GHL is complicated...

Snapshots Should be Simple.

Get the simple tool to document your snapshots, reduce tech support costs and start managing your snapshots like a pro!

GHL is complicated...

Snapshots Should be Simple.

A simple tool to document your spreadsheet and start managing your snapshots like a pro!

What makes scaling hard is when:

You're the only one who can do it.

Client issues, tech support, updates, questions...

If you're the only one who can do it, you can't hire people quickly.

Which means less time to post on FB conduct business sales networking. (ahem)

But don't let it's size fool you! A lot of powerful details are packed into this!

Hand this bad-boy off to your new hire:

  • What every asset does

  • How to set it up

  • Settings, notes or training

  • If there are any issues/bugs

  • How to update to a new version

The Simple Snapshot Documentation tool will massively cut down on all your tech support issues with snapshots by making this super simple to figure out.

"Is it complicated or hard to use?"

It's literally just one page long.

Snapshot documentation sounds scary for creative marketers and agencies that are new to GHL and snapshots. So I made sure that this tool isn't.

But don't let it's size fool you! A lot of powerful details are packed into this!

How simple?

It's literally just
one page.

Snapshot documentation sounds scary for creative marketers and agencies that are new to GHL and snapshots. So I made sure that this tool isn't!

Documentation wins championships.

Make all of this easy:

Hiring & Outsourcing Team Members

Having a list of what everything in your snapshot does makes onboarding new team a breeze!

Onboarding Clients

Always know exactly what you need to do to setup a new client, and which exact assets need to be customized.

Snapshot Updates

Know exactly what is safe to overwrite in client accounts, and what needs to be manually updated.

Fixing Snapshot Issues

Keep track of bugs, and things that need to be improved in one spot, and know exactly where to go to fix it.

Make all of this easy:

Hiring & Outsourcing Team Members

Having a list of what everything in your snapshot does makes onboarding new team a breeze!

Onboarding Clients

Always know exactly what you need to do to setup a new client, and which exact assets need to be customized.

Snapshot Updates

Know exactly what is safe to overwrite in client accounts, and what needs to be manually updated.

Fixing Snapshot Issues

Keep track of bugs, and things that need to be improved in one spot, and know exactly where to go to fix it.


Our Team


Jasika Fersh


Ron Bil


Robin Cattor



Our Team

Jasika Fersh


Ron Bil


Robin Cattor


Meet Mike!

The dude that just made your life easier.

I believe that marketers need to deliver real dollars to the end users, and not sell them crap that doesn't work.

My mission is to make planning, building, and managing GHL snapshots as simple as possible, so agencies can focus on changing lives, and not changing snapshots.

I build and manage snapshots for the largest GHL Companies, consult agencies to become Gold SaaSpreneurs, and have a lots of fun while doing it.

Meet Mike!

The dude that just made your life easier.

I believe that marketers need to deliver real dollars to the end users, and not sell them crap that doesn't work.

My mission is to make planning, building, and managing GHL snapshots as simple as possible, so agencies can focus on changing lives, and not changing snapshots.

I build and manage snapshots for the largest GHL Companies, consult agencies to become Gold SaaSpreneurs, and have a lots of fun while doing it.

What client say about us

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled.


Darcel Ballentine

Barone LLC.

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled.


Leatrice Handler

Acme Co.

Generic fiver logo with feel good marketing statement that quite frankly, everyone assumes is just chatGPT making stuff up again

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Lorem Ipsum, XX, 12345

Copyright 1969 - All rights reserved
and other text no one ever bothers to look at

"I want something WAAAY more complicated than this spreadsheet"

Said no one ever.

But let's say hypothetically you are a power user and you want some really thought out and fancy tech/UI to grow to a multi million dollar agency..... then check out the full snapshot management tool! It's pretty friggen awesome.

(but maybe try this simple one first... Just sayin')

Generic feel good marketing statement that quite frankly, everyone assumes is just chatGPT making stuff up again

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Friend Face

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Don't call. That's rude.

Don't come to my house

Copyright 1969, All rights reserved and other text no one ever bothers to look at